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Index > Co-Programs>US-China Policy Research
Friday, July 03, 2020
Policy Dialogue: Oversized Residential Trash Disposal and Recycle

Over the past 40 years, China has experienced a rapid urbanization, while this development process requires sophisticated systems of urban management to match. After the coronavirus epidemic, the Chinese mayors and governors stress much how important to improve public health, to build a more resilient city and to create people-oriented urban environment. These issues become the center of urban governance. Waste disposal, as a public policy issue, is a good window for observing city management of China. To well address waste management not only indicates an improvement of urban welfare, but also shows a presence of city brand.

In a webinar on 2 July, Dr. Richard Voith, President and Principal at Econsult Solutions, Inc., provided multiple policy solutions, a wide range of approaches to disposal and recycling of large residential waste which have been adopted by the U.S. residential communities. Four Administrative Chiefs from Town of Yongxing, Sichuan Province of China, and Jing Liu, Senior Research Analyst at Econsult Solutions, Inc. joined the discussion online. The perspective on western experience combined with discussion primarily in Chinese cities that was well received. This webinar was moderated by Yi Wang, Head of Global Development Program, ANBOUND.

Ref: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/no1HqkaAqFOryP9FfDWQqw

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